Patti E.

“Though I am always interested in alternative medicine, there is some part of me that remains slightly skeptical of the actual usefulness of any new technique. So naturally, I attended the session with Dr. Kelly with a bit of cynicism. As I understood it, the session would remove any internal blocks stopping me from moving forward in all areas of my life. Since I was not where I wanted to be in either my relationship or my career, we began in these areas. Pinpointing my negative core beliefs took a little time but Dr. Kelly worked patiently with me until we arrived at the specific issues. During the session, I experienced deep relaxation and feelings of peacefulness. However, following the session movement in my career and relationships began immediately. I could feel a change in my lifestyle and my approach to these areas almost overnight. Interaction with my significant other and experiences on the job are definitely transforming toward my fullest potential!”

Carla G.

I am a 42-year musician and teacher.  I have been going to chiropractors and massage therapists since I was a teenager in an attempt to control pain in my overused hand and to treat misalignments in my neck and upper back.  The regimen had been to see the chiropractor about every two weeks and the massage therapist about once a month.  Unfortunately, my adjustments would never hold for more than a couple of days and I would be in a state of almost constant discomfort or pain, with decreased range of motion.  I felt that my previous chiropractic care kept me in a state of “maintenance” and never moved me to a state of improvement.Since receiving care from Dr. Spore over the last six months, I have found that my adjustments hold for much longer, and the underlying problems have finally been addressed.  For example, when I used to work in my garden doing light chores such as weeding or pruning roses, I would suffer from a stiff, sore neck and an aching lower back.  The last time I worked in my yard a couple weeks ago, I felt energized and suffered no discomfort at all!  I can also play the piano and work on the computer for much longer periods than I could before.   I credit all this to Dr. Spore’s treatments.  Her approach gets to the root of the physical problem.  In addressing these issues, she helps the patient move past the state of maintenance and toward complete wellness.  I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking relief from pain and desires total health.