Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy is one way to activate the body’s inherent healing ability. Massage Therapy is well known for effectively reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and relieving/managing chronic pain. There are a variety of Massage Therapies available.
Speak with Dr. Spore to help determine which Massage Therapy is right for you.
Medical Massage Therapy
Medical Massage focuses on treating specific conditions such as Shin Splits, Frozen Shoulder, Drop Foot, Rotator Cuff injuries and many more. This therapy utilizes a variety of techniques to treat myofascial and muscular dysfunction that causes pain or discomfort, improper movement, and decreased range of motion.
Deep Tissue Massage Therapy
This type of massage is designed to reach the deeper portions of thick muscle, specifically the individual muscle fibers. Using deep muscle compression and friction along the length of the muscle to restore proper function, this technique is especially useful in releasing toxins and deeply held patterns of tension.

Therapeutic Massage Therapy
Therapeutic Massage targets specific muscles, tendons, and attachment sites to restore proper function. It relieves discomfort and helps the body to heal through a combination of individual therapies such as Trigger Point Therapy, Positional Release, Myofascial Restructuring, Cranial Unwinding and Lymphatic Drainage.
Trigger Point Therapy
This therapy involves techniques to release “knots” in the body (trigger points). The therapist typically applies compression to the trigger point and may follow the release with techniques to stimulate circulation and end with lengthening/stretching of the muscle. Trigger Point Therapy is used in conjunction with other therapies.
Myofascial Restructuring
MR works with the fascia that surrounds essentially every structure within the body. Tension or trauma in one part of the body can affect another part. By systematically releasing the restrictions within the body, the client experiences a new freedom of movement that has long been forgotten. MR is an effective technique for those who suffer from Fibromyalgia. This type of treatment typically requires multiple sessions.
Positional Release Therapy
By placing the client in position of greatest comfort and applying pressure throughout the affected area, the practitioner of PRT can release muscular and fascial restrictions involved with injuries and chronic conditions. This treatment is ideal for clients who need deeper work but have found some therapies to be too painful. If you would like to receive PRT as a full session, please wear loose clothing for your treatment.

Cranial Unwinding
This therapy unwinds fascial restrictions within the skull allowing freedom of movement between the joint sutures. This is an effective therapy for sinus/allergy pain and pressure. This therapy can be performed alone during a 30-minute session or incorporated into a Therapeutic Massage session.
Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage works to keep the environment around the cells healthy and stimulate the immune system. This type of massage involves light movements in the direction of lymph flow. The lymphatic massage process releases toxins and other waste products that have been held in the body tissues or lymph vessels.

Hit the Highlights
This is a 30-minute session where we literally “hit the highlights” of what needs to be done. Clients will remain fully clothed while therapeutic massage techniques and muscle stretches are utilized to help reduce muscle discomfort, increase range of motion, and improve overall body mechanics.

Rates for Massage Therapies:
30 min. session – $40
60 min. session – $80
90 min. session – $120
Call or simply text 812-494-7400 to schedule an appointment.
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Massage Therapy Cancellation Policy:
Please provide 24 hours notice of cancellation.
1st missed appointment/no show: we understand things happen
Future missed appointment/no show: you are responsible for the full price of your session.