The following are some FAQ’s for Energy Medicine.
When should I get Energy Medicine?
Our body is truly amazing…how everything intertwines to make us who we are, how we move, the physical aspect of the body, the chemical aspects of the body, how we think, and how we respond to life experiences. Energy Medicine is sort of like hitting the “reset” button or a piano being “tuned.”
If you play a piano that has not been tuned in a very long time, you can press the piano key and it will still work, but the result is not correct. You didn’t get the true sound of the note that you played. This analogy relates to what happens when our biofield is out of balance. We still go on, everything functions, but we are not quite at our best. Eventually, we will create dis-ease somewhere in the body. So when something seems “off”, it’s probably time for an Energy Medicine technique: Belief Reprogramming, Biofield Energy Healing, Biofield Restoration Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Cleansing and Balancing.
What is a session like?
In the office, you’ll be resting comfortably on a massage table. I will be sitting by your side for Belief Reprogramming or walking around the table performing the other Energy Medicine Therapies on the biofield. I may use the color glasses and tuning forks in the beginning of the session, in the middle or at the end. There are times when I need to have a certain sound vibration to mend damage or dissolve an energy block in the session. So, really sound therapy occurs whenever the body needs the vibration.
During a distance session, we’ll communicate via JoinMe, Skype or use the speakerphone option on our phones. You’ll need to have:
- drinking water available
- a blanket in case you get cold
- a comfortable place to rest undisturbed during our session
We can do the whole session remotely OR stay communicating for the belief work and then disconnect for the energy healing portion. You won’t hear anything the second half of a BRT session (the Biofield energy healing portion). I’ll be busy working directly with the Biofield and you’ll be resting, hopefully having a great healing experience. We can stay online during the entire session if you like or I can simply send you a text when I’m done.
I do ask that you allow an additional 15-30 minutes of rest (if possible) to permit the treatment to further integrate. Then DRINK WATER and MOVE AROUND a bit to bring yourself back together before engaging in your next activity. I prefer that you do not immediately jump up and go do the next thing on your list. While these sessions may not feel like much, they are having a huge impact on your entire system, so give yourself a few minutes to settle back into life.
Will I notice anything during or after my session?
If you’re awake and aware, yes you may notice some physical effects. Some clients feel a sense of weightlessness, some have felt heavy from deep relaxation. Often clients will tell me they felt heat or cold during their treatment while others see colors and images. Everyone has their own healing experience.
After the session, you may continue to experience a lighter version of what you felt during the treatment. An hour session of the Belief Reprogramming may make you feel like you have “mental fog” when we touch upon some deeper issues, or when we were able to flip several beliefs during one session. I encourage you to pay attention to how you feel after your session and limit your activities as needed. We may want to consider doing shorter Belief Reprogramming sessions if the mental fog doesn’t clear within a day or two. The healing energy for your biofield will continue for 2-3 days after the session. You just won’t feel it as intensely or perhaps not at all depending on how quickly the body integrates the treatment.
Many of my clients tell me how their dis-ease has improved and that they feel good and happy and are seeing improvement. Please see the testimonial section for individual stories. These are some of the comments people often tell me that after their session:
“I feel lighter”
“I have more mental clarity”
“I feel more “open” and more accepting”
“I’ve been stress free”
“I don’t have any pain”
Do I need to have something specific I want to heal?
No. It doesn’t matter if you have something specific going on or if you just want to stay at your peak performance. Our work may take the path of one or more of the following:
- General work asking your higher self for guidance as to what to address first
- Work where we ask for guidance to target a specific health issue (sinuses, GI dysfunction)
- Work where we focus on beliefs, patterns of thought, and fears that affect goals such as prosperity, weight loss, positive relationships, and optimal health
How many sessions do I need?
Although everyone varies, the average number of sessions for effective results is about five (5). For that reason, I have created a package available for five (5) sessions at a discounted rate. You can use them all together or split them for a “tune up” later in the year.
How often do I need a “tune up”? “Overhaul”???
Again, it varies depending on the person, however at least twice a year has proven effective to keep you moving in the right direction. Typically, if someone has completed 5 sessions in a row with me, then we only need a tune up once or maybe twice within a year of completing our initial sessions. You may want to ask yourself, “How often do I want to feel great and be my best?” Optimally, I would suggest a BRT session once a month even if it’s only 30 minutes. Ultimately, the goal is to get your system working great so you don’t need me (or anyone else) to help you heal. Your body knows how to heal itself, but sometimes we need to give it a little help.
Will I need multiple sessions more than once?
Possibly. As you grow and evolve in your level of awareness and/or alignment, you may need some extra help with Belief Reprogramming to get you through some rough spots you haven’t yet come across in the past or are now dealing with at a different level. Since your previous beliefs will have had an impact on your biofield, you should consider a session for Biofield Energy Healing as well (Thus the reason I combined everything together in BRT🙂 ).Just because you put the trash in the trash can, that doesn’t make it “gone”. You have to empty the trash can (Biofield Energy Healing).
DISCLAIMER: This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Kelly M. Spore, D.C., and/or HealHub, LLC, and any and all associates of Kelly M. Spore, D.C., and/or HealHub, LLC, shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Where specific examples are quoted from individuals there is no guarantee implied or otherwise that you will do as well. In the event that you use the information for your own health, you are prescribing for yourself which is your constitutional right and for which the author and publisher of this program assume no responsibility. The information is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment.