Chakra Cleansing and Balancing
Chakra Cleansing and Balancing addresses the chakra system. There are seven major chakras in our body which control our emotions and mental attitudes that can cause or reflect an imbalance within a particular chakra.
The chakras are believed to be tiny vortexes or energy transducers, that connect our physical and energetic bodies. Chakras impact our emotional and spiritual energy. Therefore, anything that causes a blockage or restriction in the flow of our subtle energy can lead to illness in the physical body.
Although you can balance the chakras through a variety of ways, we use Sound Therapy, Color Therapy and/or Reiki in the office.
Sound Therapy for Chakra Cleansing and Balancing

Also known as sound healing, Sound Therapy is one aspect of vibrational medicine. This therapy utilizes vibrations of the human voice and objects that resonate such as tuning forks, gongs, and Tibetan singing bowls.
Our sessions make use of tuning forks to create the vibrations the body needs to heal. Sound Therapy takes you beyond relaxation and stimulates healing within the body.

Color Therapy for Chakra Cleansing and Balancing
Another aspect of vibrational medicine is the use of color to help the body heal. Color has been found to have a direct influence on our thoughts, moods, and behaviors. There are a variety of ways to restore harmony in the body using color. We use Color Therapy Glasses to restore health and well-being.
Rates for Chakra Balancing Sessions:
30 min. session – $35
60 min. session – $70
Additional Information on Sound and Color Therapies