Biofield Restoration Therapy (BRT)
BRT takes a very holistic approach to healing by addressing mind, body and spirit. Biofield Restoration Therapy is a combination of Belief Reprogramming and Biofield Energy Healing of the Chakra System and the Aura. It’s the ultimate combination of healing!
Biofield Restoration Therapy begins with Belief Reprogramming that instantly replaces or resolves limiting decisions, negative belief systems and negative emotions to positive, beneficial beliefs and emotions.
Then we follow up with Biofield Energy Healing with techniques that cleanse, clear, repair and recharge your biofield therefore releasing the old energy patterns. After the old patterns are released, then the new positive energy can flow freely. This results in helping you implement new patterns of behavior more quickly. To clarify, it helps you start your new life more quickly and easily.
The Biofield Restoration Therapy Process:

First – Step 1 of Biofield Restoration Therapy: Belief Reprogamming – Reprogram limiting decisions, negative beliefs and negative emotions instantly
The Belief Reprogramming technique is used to undue or release limiting decisions about life, negative beliefs about self/others, or repetitive negative emotions such as anger and fear. The result is that clients leave the session with positive feelings and thoughts about life, self and others.
A person’s hidden beliefs within their consciousness dictate how they act, or rather how they REACT. This is based on what they see and hear, therefore causing the emotions they feel. Ultimately, the actions they take are based on those emotions. Subsequently, the life they experience is due to the actions taken. Most of our beliefs have become distorted due to past experiences which leaves us with inaccurate perceptions of reality. It is those distorted beliefs that stop us from being who we want to be, from achieving the success we know is ours, and consequently from the living the life we desire.
If we want to change our lives, we must change our beliefs and emotions—our vibrations.
After Belief Reprogramming, we perform Biofield Energy Healing for your Chakra System and your Auric Field.
Second – Step 2 of Biofield Restoration Therapy: Biofield Energy Healing for Chakras – Open, balance, cleanse, and clear the chakra system
During this portion of the therapy, we restore energy flow through each chakra by releasing entanglements, debris and the past beliefs/emotions we released in Step 1. Then we open and balance each of the chakras within themselves and each other for optimal functioning of the chakra system.
Third – Step 3 of Biofield Restoration Therapy: Biofield Energy Healing for the Aura – Cleanse, clear, repair and recharge the auric field
Attention is focused on the Auric Field. As with the Chakra system, each level is addressed individually and then as a whole. My experience has been that working with the Auric Field last, further implements the changes that occurred in Steps 1 and 2 and boosts the biofield overall. (I think of it as purging the system of old, yucky stuff so that all the “good stuff” can get to me faster.) This is where the practitioner untangles “knotted up” energies causing blocks, dissolves energetic masses of darkness, and repairs holes or tears throughout the biofield. They do this by energetically scanning the physical body and its surrounding energy layers for dysfunction and dis-ease of any sort. To reinforce the integrity of the auric field, it is recharged energetically.

Rates for Biofield Restoration Therapies:
30 min. session – $65
60 min. session – $125
5 session package – $550
This therapy can be done in the office or as a distance healing with the same success.
I would like to share a recent personal experience. I had a terrible sinus headache. It was a very busy week with lots to do and little time for me. I tried all my usual stuff to feel better, but no success. Finally, I was able to sit down and do BRT on myself. I discovered the beliefs underlying the sinus headache– Step 1 provided some relief. It was 50% better, but it wasn’t gone completely. Step 2 made things even better. But Step 3 was a “WOW!” moment for me. I could literally feel which auric levels were impacting the sinus headache—or perhaps it was which levels were healing the sinus headache. I could feel the changes in my body…pain releasing, the surge in power as the new beliefs/emotions further integrated in my biofield. It was amazing! ALL of the pain and discomfort was gone. I was fully charged, energized and humming with awareness.
General BRT comments:
It’s difficult to express how you’ll feel after a session– :”different” may be the best term. Sometimes it can seem like a very subtle difference at first and you don’t really realize the full impact until later. Sometimes, you will KNOW and FEEL something has changed immediately.
The changes we make are instantaneous. You will now have a choice to “respond” or “react” to a situation. When the opportunity arises, pause, and check in with yourself about who you really want to be and the life you really want to live.
Private sessions are available and highly recommended for faster results (because we work on YOU specifically with your specific challenges). And while it’s preferable to have a session in person, BRT works just as well over the phone/Zoho/Zoom/JoinMe/Skype.
Purchase Distance Healing Session
30 min Biofield Restoration Therapy Distance Healing $65.00Pay now
60 minute Biofield Restoration Therapy Distance Healing $125.00Pay now
5 Session Package Biofield Restoration Therapy $550.00Pay now