Links to Additional Resources
We are continually adding links to additional resources. Be sure to check back for new information.
Gift Certificates: Traditional gift certificates are available in the office or purchase an eGift Card online now.
Daily Law of Attraction— I have followed Abraham Hicks for a very long time. I confess, I don’t always follow the guidance they have given simply because I get stressed and forget…despite the fact that I know better. They always help me get back on track.
Spirits of Annagreta — Annagreta provides an amazing channeling session. I just love her and I loved my private session. She channels the information directly to you without her personal filters and interpretation of what’s being received. She lives in Germany so be prepared for time differences. She offers courses on how to channel, private session and has lots of YouTube videos. She’s just simple and sincere 🙂
Diane Paradise – Angel Readings, Survivorship Speaker and Empowerment Coach
Dr. Hyman— provided lots of information on your search for optimal health.
Sun Horse Energy – Adaptogenic Herbs
Eat Right Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
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